Board meeting procedures are guidelines to conduct board meetings. They encourage fairness and equality, keep board discussions on track, and make sure that decisions are taken by the majority of board members. This is especially important for large groups as it is not uncommon for a small group to dominate discussion and make decisions. Having a clear set of procedures helps to control the agenda of the board which can be lengthy and complicated.
The chair of the board should begin the meeting with a brief summary of the meeting’s focus and key inputs required, and an outline of the agenda. A brief recap of 10 minutes helps everyone to focus and stay engaged. It also sets the tone for the remainder of the board meeting.
Before the discussion begins before the discussion begins, it is beneficial to read and accept the previous meeting minutes and distribute any reports written by committees or officers. By distributing these documents in advance you can ensure that board directors are acquainted with the material so they can contribute effectively during discussions.
A board should have a procedure on the reading and the approval of minutes. It will typically include a requirement for an additional vote to motion. This will prevent the board from debating topics that were already voted on and could simplify the decision-making process during the meeting.
Any member of the board who has an interest conflict must reveal it to the other board members. This is essential to stop a negative member of the board from having an impact on the future of the company. If it is necessary, a strategy to handle the behavior of this person at the next board meeting must be formulated.